Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
The author of Chronicles records one man’s bold prayer.
I Chronicles 4:10 Now Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that You would bless me indeed and enlarge my border, and that Your hand might be with me, and that You would keep me from harm that it may not pain me!” (NASB)
Prayer is the God-ordained means by which the resources of Heaven may be accessed to supply the needs and difficulties of life. Although Christ-followers are commanded to pray; it is a resource often left untouched. However, if prayers are lifted God always answers prayer: the answer may be Yes, No or Not now.
Jabez is a man whose names means “pain”. There are many reading these words that can identify . . . your life is marked by pain. What can be done? Have you spread your circumstance before the Lord and cried out to Him? I believe the pain of Jabez was the motivation God used to develop his prayer life.
First, Jabez leverages the Abrahamic covenant, by praying to the “God of Israel”. God’s promises are a great place to begin in prayer because whatever God promises – He fulfills. Next, Jabez prays that God would bless him . . . indeed! I take this to mean over and above what he needed that he might bless his family and needy friends. As Chronicles is the genealogy of Israel note there is a mention of a mother but no father. At the least it suggests a single parent family and Jabez wants sufficient blessing to stand in the gap and meet not just his need but those of others.
“Enlarge my borders”, commentators suggest that Jabez’s family may have somehow lost their families inheritance in the Promised Land. Jabez wants to reacquire what has been lost! Next, Jabez prays God’s hand would be with him
— something that was true of Joseph. Even in prison, falsely accused . . . God’s hand was with Joseph. So Jabez suggests that in-spite of the hardship that has befallen his family he desires God’s hand to remedy the situation: God’s way and in God’s time.
“Keep me from harm” This request reveals a play on words. “Lord, keep this family problem from being a ‘Jabez-kind-of-pain’ in my life. Jabez was drawing a line saying whatever sin or weakness might have beset my family – with God’s help it will not be part of mine”.
The result of this feisty man of prayer? “God granted him what he requested.”