Kids corner

Family Life's Kids Corner is a place where families can gather on Saturdays from 8am - 10am to hear age-appropriate Bible lessons, radio dramas, and stories that will help them to grow in their faith to become life-long followers of Jesus.


Coloring Page

You’ve met Flin, right? He’s our Family Life mascot. Well, he wants to give you a chance to win!
All you have to do is download and color this month’s coloring page.
To be considered, entries must be received by 5:00 pm on the last business day of the current month.
View the Family Life contest rules.
Family Life is located at 7634 Campbell Creek Road in Bath, and our mailing address is P.O. Box 506, Bath, NY 14810. One winner will be chosen from each of these four age groups: 4 years and under, 5-6 years, 7-9 years, and 10-12 years.
The prizes for this month are Perfect Day: Children’s Story and Coloring Book or NIV Adventure Bible .

Fill out my online form.

January coloring contest winners










Celebrate your child’s birthday with a special birthday card from Flin, Family Life’s furry mascot pup! The card includes a contest entry into the weekly birthday prize pack given away Friday night, 7-8pm, during The Family Hour. Win a pendant banner with crayons and an assortment of other great gifts. The contest is open to kids turning 12-years-old and younger.

Fill out my online form.