Friday, December 3, 2021
Friday, December 3, 2021
The Psalmist writes that those who trust God will find peace in the face of difficulty.
Psalm 119:165 Those who love Your law have great peace, and nothing causes them to stumble. (NASB)
When you love God’s will above all else: peace will dominate you completely. Elisabeth Elliot, the missionary speaker who inspired so many by returning to minister to the Ecuadorian natives who martyred her husband Jim – developed dementia in her later years. Her husband, Lars Gren, wrote about Elisabeth’s trust in God’s saying, Elliot handled dementia just as she did the deaths of her husbands. “She accepted those things, [knowing] they were no surprise to God, It was something she would rather not have experienced, but she received it.”
Steve Saint – son of Nate Saint, one of the other missionaries killed alongside Elliot’s first husband – had this Facebook posting at [Elliot’s] death: “I think Elisabeth would be happy just being remembered as not much of a woman that God used greatly. To the rest of us she was an incredibly talented and gifted woman who trusted God in life’s calamities, even the loss of her mind to dementia, and who allowed God to use her. He did use her.” Nothing God allows to happen to us can jeopardize the eternal inheritance God has in store for His children. Find peace in God’s sovereign control of every aspect of your life!