Fall Sharathon 2023

We have exceeded our $2,600,000 goal! Thank you for all your support to Family Life!

Family Life’s Fall Sharathon ended at just over $2,080,000 which is 80% of our budget need for the next six months. We witnessed the blessing of the Lord in so many ways, both with the number of Faith Partners, the record amount of funds raised for a Fall Sharathon, and the heart-warming testimonies of many who shared how the Lord has used the ministry in their lives. Similar to what has happened with many previous Sharathons, we are praying that many who could not respond already to the Sharathon will still be involved in helping to raise the final 20% needed to help Family Life keep current with all its significant expenses. If the ministry has not heard from you, we would greatly appreciate your support! You can contribute by clicking on “Donate” below or you can mail a gift to PO Box 506, Bath, NY 14810. Thank you in advance for helping to keep Family Life thriving in presenting the message of hope found in Jesus Christ!


What is Sharathon?

Family Life Sharathons are the primary method of raising the financial support needed to operate the ministry over a six-month period. Though there are several ways that Family Life receives operating funds throughout the year, by far the largest of those is the Spring and Fall sharathon. Sharathons take place as a live, on-air event over a four-day period. Regular radio programming is suspended during this time as announcers share how God works through the various arms of ministry. Popular music artists and program hosts are interviewed, uplifting music is played, and listeners become faith partners by financially supporting Family Life with their called-in faith promises or online donations. This Sharathons goal is $2.6 million. During the Sharathon, special challenges and contests create huge excitement and make Sharathon listening a highlight for listeners! Sharathon totals are updated each hour with anticipation and thrill building as the total reaches closer to the goal. Included in the Sharathon festivities is a 5K race and a chicken barbeque on the final day. You can understand why many financial partners call this their favorite event of the year!

2023 Fall Sharathon Letter

Family Life’s Fall Sharathon
October 11-14, 2023

Does your heart rejoice when you hear of how the Lord has used you to touch a person’s heart? If so, then you know exactly how we feel as recently an e-mail was sent to Family Life from a friend of the ministry whose close relative was dying in a Buffalo hospital. Your support of the ministry allows Family Life to broadcast a number of online music streams. In this case, the music of Gentle Praise played an important role as it was put near her ears so that she could listen as she was ushered into the loving arms of Jesus. The family member told us:

“Thank you, Family Life, for all that you do for your listeners. You have no idea the impact your music and broadcasts make on people in their good times and their hard times. The LORD seems to make what you put on the air so relevant at the time a person is in need…Be blessed in your on-air ministry. You surely bless us!”

This is Our God – using Family Life’s online ministry!

A few months ago, a State worker approached a Family Life staff member at one of our events and shared how the Lord uses the radio ministry to keep his mind focused on God during the long nights of keeping the roads clear during the winter season. Your financial help in sustaining Family Life makes each of these radio stations possible! He was so grateful that there were Family Life radio stations throughout the entire area of his responsibility.

This is our God – using Family Life’s radio outreach!

Every year, the Performing Arts Department works with a group of young people to train them in the creative arts while involving them in a stage production. Your involvement with Family Life makes it possible for hundreds of young people to receive free instruction to enhance their God-given skills! A mother with a special needs child wrote to us prior to this past spring’s production.

“I wanted to give you a praise report regarding Family Life Ministries’ Performing Arts Department…Our sixth and youngest child has Down syndrome. He loves music, dancing, and theatre as much if not more than our other five kids combined. Knowing the limitations of space on the stage and how many children audition to be in the youththeatre productions, we knew that for [our son] to be cast in his very favorite musical God would have to shine extra light on His will.

I’m excited to say that [our son’s] dancing skills and his ability to follow directions were enough for the Performing Arts team to take a chance on casting him in the ensemble…It was and is his greatest dream come true. Where other children want to go to Disney World or meet famous athletes, all [our son] wanted was to be in a production of Newsies…everyone involved in youththeatre deserved a pat on the back. They took a chance on a new challenge…Thanks again!”

This is our God – using Family Life’s Performing Arts & Events Departments!

At a Family Life co-sponsored concert this summer, an attending pastor shared with us that he and his wife had attended a Healing Journey weekend hosted by the ministry’s Hope & Healing Department. It is because of your financial support that Family Life is able to host these weekend events for pastors! They told our staff member that initially they had resisted going to the event, but they were so glad that they did attend as the Lord used the teachings that weekend to have such a significant impact on their lives, their marriage, and their ministry!

This is our God – using Family Life’s Hope & Healing Biblical Counseling Department!

Every time we hear another story of how the Lord is using His work at Family Life, we can proclaim with praise in our hearts – THIS IS OUR GOD! I want to thank you for allowing this ministry to reach hundreds of thousands of people each week with the message of hope found in Jesus Christ. We would so appreciate your support during our Fall Sharathon October 11-14. Your financial involvement is so appreciated as the ministry’s needs continue to grow with an expanded outreach.

Thank you for being an integral part of Family Life’s mission. You can mail your gift prior to the Sharathon and in so doing, your gift will be added to our starting total. You can also contribute here online by clicking on the “Donate” button. Finally, if you want to be involved in the excitement of the four-day event, you can call with your faith promise during the Sharathon. However the Lord speaks to your heart to give, please understand that we will know that THIS IS OUR GOD working through you and that your trust in what He is doing through Family Life is something we will never take for granted!

Yours in Christ,

Rick Snavely


P.S. Family Life understands that the local church is ordained of God, and because of that we encourage you NOT to give to Family Life what belongs to your local church.

Sharathon Activities

Drive-Thru Chicken BBQ

Family Life’s Drive Thru Chicken BBQ will be held in conjunction with the Fall Sharathon on Saturday, October 14 from 11am-3pm! Come to Family Life for some of Nick’s famous Chicken BBQ, salt potatoes, baked beans, a roll with butter and a bottle of water – all for only $13! You can purchase sodas and desserts for an additional $1 each.

More Details

Family Life Virtual 5k

Join us for the Family Life virtual 5k which will be held in conjunction with Family Life’s Fall Sharathon as the ministry raises support to cover operating expenses for the next six months. Participants will register online and receive a packet in the mail with their race shirt and race number! Participants of all ages can run, walk, jog, on their own, at any time between when they register and October 14.

More Details


Sharathon Goal: $2.6 Million

Make a Pledge

Want to Listen right now? Listen Online!

We can not do what we do without the support of our listeners. We want to thank you ahead of time for all of your support and for listening to our Sharathon!

Listen Online

Sharathon Sponsors

Thank you to our sponsors for providing special incentives for this fundraising endeavor!  It is our greatest hope that you’ll join with us in extending appreciation for their excitement and willingness to get involved.

500 for 5 Prayer Needs

During each day of the Sharathon, we ask that you would take 5 minutes a day to partner with us in prayer over the following list

  1. Thank the Lord for the victories He gave with both the Zoning Board and Planning Board to allow Family Life’s building project to move forward. Pray that God would continue to provide miraculously for the added expenses of moving the building to a new location on the property.
  2. Thank God for bringing a number of new staff members to help fill the very important roles at the ministry to keep it functioning properly. Please pray that the Lord continues to lead us to the right people to fill about a half-dozen more strategic positions at the ministry.
  3. Thank the Lord for the many open doors for new and improved radio stations throughout New York and Pennsylvania. Pray that God provides the funding as well as the workers to accomplish all the projects that need to be completed by the end of this calendar year.
  4. Thank God for 40 years of radio broadcasting as we recently celebrated that milestone. No one could have imagined what He had in store for the radio ministry back in 1983! Pray that the Lord will use the radio ministry in even greater ways in the days ahead as we seek to impact lives with the message of hope found in Jesus.
  5. Thank the Lord for Family Life’s dedicated members on the corporate Board of Directors. Pray that God gives wisdom and insight as many important decisions will need to be made this coming year. Pray also that He would speak to the hearts of a few more individuals to join this Board as some members can no longer continue serving.
  6. Thank God for the various ministry departments at Family Life and for what each does to communicate the gospel. Pray that the Lord will use the efforts of the Performing Arts Department, the Hope & Healing Department, the Events Department, and the Radio Department to draw people unto Christ.
  7. Thank the Lord for the wonderful and faithful volunteers who help to make all the outreaches possible. Pray that God touches the hearts of many other individuals to become part of this wonderful team as our need for more volunteers grows as the ministry reaches more people.
  8. Thank God for the backbone of the ministry – our many prayer warriors who daily pray for His blessing upon Family Life. Pray that the Lord would increase the number of those participating in the “5,000 for the Future” prayer team so that His blessing would astonish us in response to the prayers of His people.
  9. Thank the Lord for the many people who sacrificially give throughout the year to keep Family Life afloat and thriving. Pray that God speaks to the hearts of many others to contribute as the financial needs of the ministry have increased dramatically in recent years.
  10. Thank God for the staff He has brought together at Family Life. Pray that the Lord would keep the entire team healthy and that He would be glorified in the upcoming Fall Sharathon as we experience His faithfulness once again.