Zoning Board Meeting Update


On May 2, the Town of Erwin’s Zoning Board of Appeals unanimously approved Family Life’s second requested variance for its proposed new headquarters. This reversed their decision from last November when the Board had turned down the ministry’s variance requests. Family Life made some significant adjustments to the project by relocating the site of the building on the property. This change positively addressed the concerns that had caused this Board to originally deny the variance requests.

Moving forward, Family Life now has one more step to go before a final approval to move forward is given. On Wednesday, July 5, there will be a public meeting at the Corning-Painted Post Middle School at 35 Victory Highway in Painted Post beginning at 7:00 PM. Family Life will present its updated site plan to the Town of Erwin Planning Board. The public will be able to make comments on Family Life’s proposal and a final vote will be taken regarding this plan.

We encourage all those in the area who are in favor of Family Life’s building project to attend this meeting! Those who live in Painted Post or the Town of Erwin will be allowed to speak expressing their views on the project. Should the Planning Board approve Family Life’s plan, efforts will begin immediately to finalize the site work in preparation for construction. Please be in prayer that the Lord would show His favor in allowing the building project to move forward!