Please pray for myself, my husband and daughters. I found out 2 years ago January he was having an affair and admitted to having another affair prior. He broke contact with her after a short period and she moved on to someone else. He bought a house to fix up and resell in September and in October decided to start sleeping there to figure things out between us. I learned last Wednesday he is having an affair with of all people one of our daughter’s 4th grade teacher (our daughter is 19 now). I am beyond broken. But have spent a lot of time in reading or listening to marriage books. Vertical Marriage, Fierce Marriage, Cherish, 5 love languages, love like you meant it, overcoming bitterness, a fierce love, loving him well….this is reading I have been doing since the first affair. I am trying to be faithful to God and know He loves me no matter my circumstances. I want to lash out at my husband and I have many times during the last 2 years. God did give me calm and words to speak to my husband Saturday …..please pray that if it is God’s will that we can reconcile our marriage. I am heartbroken and riding a Rollercoaster of emotions. Very thankful for FLN. I listen daily and am blessed by it.