40 Days for Life Casting the Vision Event
40 Days for Life hosts “Casting the Vision” event Thursday, February 13 from 7-8:30pm at St. Matthews of North Tonawanda, NY. To RSVP call 231-286-8685.
40 Days for Life is a peaceful, prayerful, non-denominational mission that works through the biblical 40 day period of fasting and prayer and community outreach an education to save lives at abortion facilities and offer God’s forgiveness. Since 2004, 40 Days for Life has saved over 25,000 lives, seen more than 265 abortion workers leave the industry for God-pleasing work, and watched more than 155 abortion centers close. Learn how you can join Christians in North Tonawanda from more than 20 different churches to offer hope and real help to our neighbors in need. We welcome individuals, church groups, families, and youth organizations. Tickets are free and light refreshments will be served afterward